Tuesday 7 May 2019

007 - Nancy McCusker, Mother of Dogs

GMC: Nancy McCusker, Mother of Dogs

It’s not that Nancy couldn’t have children. She has no medical issues and until her obsession ruined things was happily married. She just doesn’t like kids. Or people, her specific problem is with people. They’re emotionally messy and complicated and constantly lie to themselves and everyone else. Why can’t they be more like dogs? A dog is pure and uncomplicated. Their traits are positive and endearing, they won’t turn on you for no reason or be ungrateful or leave. So she poured her love into a menagerie of furbabies.

To be completely fair they’re raised in a better environment than some kids. They’ve got their own bedrooms, meal plans and doggie stylists but she’s also careful not to let them get too spoilt or misbehave. Nancy made out quite well after her divorce and her very active sponsored social media presence as a pet guru plus a work-from-home accountancy gig allows her to live a modest but enviable lifestyle. It also allowed her the spare time to fall in with an alternative crowd of the crystal healing and exploring past lives variety.

An unknowing and oblique avatar of the Mother, Nancy’s attempts to cure IBS and spur weight loss actually worked due to her unwitting performance of gutter magick. Thanks to this she’s ended up gathering a little group of believers around her who jokingly call themselves a coven, though it’s more of a social club than a serious cabal. Curiosity at her success led Nancy down the rabbit hole and into the occult underground where she discovered what she really is.

After showing her the ropes her would-be mentor gave her a sob story about needing her help to heal his dying son. Afterwards he disappeared along with a bunch of her money and most of the feeling in her left hand and the local scene rolled their eyes and clucked their tongues at yet another pony getting taken for a ride. What surprised people (including herself) was when she came back to put paid to an antiquities dealer who was using a puppy mill as psychic drain cleaner. As much as she doesn’t relish the memory the event left enough of an impression that she can count on a few friends in strange places.

Nancy feels like her connection to the Mother is slipping because her approach to the archetype isn’t the norm. So what? If her experiences with magick have taught her anything it’s that stepping outside the default is the route to truth. An apathetic response to her lobbying for stricter animal welfare laws has made her impatient with seeking change from the outside so she’s going to bring the mountain to Mohammed. She’s heard rumours about an asocial recluse living in a nearby industrial estate who can change people’s bodies like most change clothes. She wonders if they could help her bring one of her children to term personally.

Nancy seems like a very pleasant, utterly normal human being. She continues seeming like that no matter how many layers are peeled back to expose the bizarre reality underneath.
Rage: Denigration of non-mainstream beliefs. Using public consensus as a de facto right to slander is some serious punching down in Nancy’s opinion.
Noble: Loyalty. It’s rare and valuable in people.
Fear: "If something happens to me who will take care of my babies?" (Helplessness).
Obsession: Dogs are better than people.
Wound Threshold: 50.

Avid Pet Owner 80%* (Substitutes for Connect, Protects Isolation, Protects Self)
Avatar: The Mother 40% (Avatar, Casts Rituals, Use Gutter Magick)

Shock Gauges


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