Sunday, 30 June 2019

061 - #burnthewitch

Ritual: #burnthewitch

Cost: 2 minor charges.

Ritual Action: First you need to be good and mad at the target. Really mad. While in this state of blistering hostility make a "witches cake" (a mixture of rye, ash and the target's urine) while reciting a litany of the reason/s you're mad at them into the batter and glowering at it while it bakes. Feed it to a dog or a pet belonging to you or the target, you need to record it behaving strangely afterwards for the ritual to work (it's entirely acceptable to drug the cake to achieve this, well, not acceptable but you know what I mean...).

Make a public post on a social media platform accusing the target of something unrelated to why you're mad at them. Include a picture or video of the animal, it doesn't have to be related to the accusation or explained.

Effect: People who see the post within three days of it being made believe the accusation on an emotional level. They aren't compelled to act in any way and may feel conflicted if they wouldn't ordinarily believe it. If it's absurd or there's incontrovertible evidence against it then it's they'll likely rationalise these feelings in some way. The magickal component of this belief fades after the three days, leaving people to think whatever they like.

The accused can break the effect by passing any trial historically used to determine evidence of witchcraft. Reciting the Lord's Prayer without stammering is the easiest way but dunking, pricking and bible weighing all work too.

If the animal that ate the cake dies the effect backfires, people who see the accusation believe it about you instead. Any details of the accusation that don't fit are rationalised so it makes sense. This is permanent, so scrub that post (and god help you if it gets reshared).

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