Wednesday 4 September 2019

127 - Nibiru Cataclysm

Unnatural Phenomenon: Nibiru Cataclysm

A mistake was once made when putting together a forgotten incarnation of the universe and like a lazy copy-paste the mistake was carried over through later initializations. A 3,600 year event in the making, the catastrophic impact of a close encounter between Earth and an ancient, wayward planetary object - Nibiru - spells potential doom for humanity and the universe as a whole. If the stock of humanity were destroyed by polar inversion, orbital disturbance and meteoric bombardment the statosphere and the Invisible Clergy would be cast adrift in the void. Trapped and unable to reincarnate the cosmos without a collective unconscious to reflect it. The universe, in essence, would come to an end.

It is the most closely guarded secret of all.

In the background of more prosaic occult struggles a secret secondary war rages. Factions move against each other to hide, discredit, divine and reveal the truth of the impending apocalypse. They build otherspace bulwarks and life rafts, they try to warn humanity or hide the awful truth, they attempt to strangle or fertilize final ascensions to control whether the Clergy has a chance to correct the fatal flaw. Cults of alien worshippers, puppets and proxies, work to unwittingly discredit or reveal a reflection of the truth while tracked by governments that themselves don’t yet see the pattern.There are avatar serial-killers and serial-killer avatars who criss-cross the country, receiving orders from hidden masters and locked in an endless game of cat-and-mouse. Cyborgs build vast underground computer shrines to a machine-god yet to come, humanities' replacement safely cocooned and poised to rise from the ashes.

In her dingy Melbourne apartment an old woman with spotty memories of worlds long gone tries to remember these things and plot for the end. Sometimes she’s not sure if it’s real. Maybe it already happened once a long time ago. Maybe she dreamed it all up.

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