Monday 23 September 2019

146 - Form 28B

Ritual: Form 28B

Cost: 4 minor charges.

Ritual Action: Go to your nearest bureau of transportation or department of motor vehicles or whatever your local equivalent for vehicle licensure is, arriving before it opens. If they have a stack of forms available grab the longest and most complicated one. Otherwise stand in line and obtain the longest and most complicated form by asking for it without articulating why you want it. Once you have it you cannot leave the building without finishing or the ritual is ruined for you forever.

You must seek solutions to questions on the form that cannot be explained by three bureaucrats by the end of the day. When you manage to thoroughly stump one then write a piece of personal information about that employee that is not freely available on the relevant section of the form. Once you have all three then fill out the rest of the form with offensive gibberish, the kind of thing that would be at home on the walls of a bathroom stall.

The ritual effect remains primed until you do something that would reasonably require ID like drive, rent a hotel room or buy liquor. Activities you use the ritual for do not count for this restriction.

Effect: The form automatically passes for any bureaucratic paperwork it is submitted in lieu of, once. So long as the effect remains primed no one notices the discrepancy and likely won’t after the fact unless it is specifically checked or referenced against.

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