Thursday 29 August 2019

121 - Heart of Glass

Artifact: Heart of Glass

Power: Major.

Description: A heart-shaped sculpture of stained glass in reds, blues and violets, refracting different shades depending on how the light hits it. Reinforced with wrought iron and about twice the size of a large man’s fist, it is surprisingly solid considering its materials. The aorta opens like a crystalline flower, if you hold it up to your ear like a conch shell you can hear a soft murmuring inside. Long time users will tell you the sound is comforting, like the soft pillow talk of a loving partner or the dulcet tones of a caring parent. If they’ll tell you anything about it at all.

Effect: The heart of glass loves you. It doesn’t know you yet but the soft, abiding affection it feels for you is unmistakable. To anyone with more than one failed notch in Isolation spending time listening to the heart feels like being embraced by a warm blanket.

It can remove notches from your Isolation meter at a rate of a hardened per week or a failed per fortnight. In return you develop a relationship with it at a rate of 5% per week of regular use. The relationship depends on your temperament and lack, people who are neurotically protective will likely make the heart their responsibility and hapless romantics will substitute it for their lack of a favourite. This relationship can be built like any other if you wish, although given the lack of clear communication it’s hard to do more than build shrines and creepily anthropomorphize the heart. Coercing it is impossible.

This relationship blocks you from developing that kind of connection with another person. If you have that kind of connection it supplants it. Further, if you neglect the heart for more than a week the notches come back at the same rate they departed. You can consciously repudiate this effect by failing a roll on the heart relationship, if you succeed the roll instead the relationship grows by 5%. This relationship caps out at 70%.

There is only one way to pass the heart on so you're no longer dependent on it to stem the tide of loneliness. Form a relationship with someone, of the kind they would form with the heart, and raise its percentile to a level equal or greater to your heart relationship. Then gift it to them and sever all contact, effectively killing their relationship with you. If they take up the heart then you’re free of the regression effect and your relationship with it drops to zero.

If the heart of glass is ever broken all the notches it has gathered from you and everyone else come flooding back, even if you aren't the active user. The heart relationship also persists if you still have it, forever blocking you from making that kind of connection with another human being. At the GMs discretion specific types of therapy may clear this dead relationship at a rate of 5% per successful treatment. Alternatively magick may be used to the same effect.

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