Sunday, 3 November 2019

187 - Demon Gauge & Kelpie

Ritual: Demon Gauge

Cost: 2 minor charges.

Ritual Action: Smash a number of Ouija boards to pieces (it has to be smashing, carefully cutting them up doesn’t work), the more you destroy the more detailed the answer the ritual gives you can be. Take a lock of hair from a victim that has been possessed by the target demon, hair which they had while possessed. Place all the Ouija board pieces in a garbage bag and climb to the top of the tallest building you can walk to in a day (you can drive there, it just needs to be within walking distance). Burn and breathe in the smoke from the lock of hair. Give the bag a good shake and tear it open, hurling the contents from the north side of the building.

Effect: If successful the ritual will give you information about the demon in question. In order: its Urge (although this won’t be couched in game terms), current and previous hosts and the actions they’ve taken, its real name, it’s history when it was alive. All of these things will be spelled out in the arrangement of Ouija board pieces on the ground. The only limitation is the available letters on the Ouija board pieces, if there aren’t enough some information will be left out. The ritual is obliging though, when necessary it will substitute misspellings and text speak when letters are missing or multiple letters on a single piece are the only options.

Ritual: Kelpie

Cost: 2 significant charges.

Ritual Action: Take the bones of a beloved horse and dump them unseen in a body of water. Spread a fictional story of a tragic drowning associated with that body of water as though it were real (you don’t have to actually assert this, implication is fine). The story should spread far enough that everyone in the immediate region should have heard it. They don’t all have to believe it, but the majority of people who know it should (the locals might all know it’s bullshit and the ritual can still work if it’s a pervasive enough urban myth). After 33 days go to the body of water and recover the horse’s skull. If you were not the horse’s owner then return it to them.

Effect: The body of water becomes fatally dangerous around the point that you dumped the horse bones. All checks involving swimming around that spot are flip-flopped to the worst result. This effect lasts until it causes a number of deaths equal to the number of people who loved the horse.

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