Wednesday, 27 November 2019

211 - Liability Waiver & Quick Study

Ritual: Liability Waiver

Cost: 1 significant charge.

Ritual Action: Take a legal waiver that was successfully used to guard against liability for something life altering. Permanent injury, death, someone losing their home are good guidelines - a broken arm isn’t going to cut it and it has to have been challenged and the challenge defeated. Destroy something you made for someone else that they value highly and wrap the remains in the waiver along with something that’s illegal for you to possess. Bathe in mineral water and while still dripping wet hold the package up over your head between two mirrors facing each other. Throw it at the mirror ahead of you and catch it on the rebound. If it works it’ll seem to switch places with its reflection.

Effect: So long as you carry the package your actions don’t cause stress checks to others. They’ll still know if things you do are fucked up and wrong but there’s no emotional impact to go with it, that alone is enough to sneak some hairy behaviour under the radar. This effect lasts for the longest of either 33 minutes from the first stress check ignored or until 6 checks have been ignored. Destroying the package undoes the effect too as does taking it to an area where the contraband is legal.

Ritual: Quick Study

Cost: 2 minor charges.

Ritual Action: Take a textbook for a subject that you have a related identity for at less than 50%. Tear out a page you have never read or have read but failed to understand and roll it into a cylinder. Crush a small handful of the “limited edition” 0% sugar Alpha-Bits cereal that was taken off the market in 2008 into a powder and use the rolled up page to snort it. Before that horrible choked up feeling subsides tilt your head back and recite prime numbers at a normal speaking pace for at least 30 seconds. If you use the ritual more than once you have to start the next recited series where you left off.

Effect: You gain a +30% shift to the specific related identity for 24 hours as information from the textbook floods your brain. Afterwards you forget everything you learned and it’s stuck at a permanent -10% shift from sticky erasure of the lost information.

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