Friday, 22 November 2019

206 - Lazaro Renninger, Trauma Cleaner

GMC: Lazaro Renninger, Trauma Cleaner

Lazaro idolised the helping professions as a kid, he wanted to be a cop or a doctor or a social worker. Lazaro wasn’t suited to any of those, a bad stutter and a strange air meant he grew up avoidant and nervous. After high school he put his keen eyes to work in CCTV monitoring for a few years while he picked up a side job as a cleaner.

Unfulfilled and looking for a change, it was a chance encounter with someone in the industry that led him into the career of trauma cleaning. The clean up of violent or long putrefied deaths is something people don't often consider, after the authorities have left the task of dealing with the grisly mess falls to those left behind. Not only traumatising, the waste can be hazardous to human health, hence why specialized services (like the one Lazaro ended up working for and then decided to operate on his own) exist. Having found his own quiet space for helping others, not what he’d ever envisioned but satisfying nonetheless, Lazaro was grateful.

There is one rub. Cleaning up the homes of the forgotten and abandoned eventually intersects with the kind of oddity that makes up the occult underground. In Lazaro’s case the hoarder’s home that gave him his condition belonged to a detritomancer who choked to death on a hotdog. Latched on to by something not quite a revenant, he now attracts the strange and magickal like shit attracts flies.

His problem, his skillset and his temperament have made him a shoe-in as a valuable member of his local Sleeper community. They can help him deal with what his passenger attracts and in turn he helps clean up the messes some of them make to keep the sleeping tiger dozing. Lazaro’s skills have soundly shredded the forensics on at least one murder scene. It bothers him, he’s by no means bloodthirsty, and he tells himself that sometimes extreme things need to be done and that he’d be more than happy to cut loose anyone truly monstrous. Sometimes, when a new occult mess threatens to spill into public view or his odd magnetism draws something unnatural he needs help with into his life he wonders just how true that is.

Professional and polite, but sometimes beleaguered and a little naive. Lazaro uses his profession as a social shield. He’s ambivalent about his new ability to attract the weird but considers it a part of the trouble he has to keep from normal people.
Rage: Callousness.
Noble: Sparing what he can.
Fear: Getting led into a mess he can’t get out of (Helplessness).
Obsession: Being part of the line that keeps people civilized.
Wound Threshold: 50.

Trauma Cleaner 60%* (Substitutes for Notice, Protects Violence, Protects Helplessness.)
Weirdness Magnet 40% (Substitutes for Secrecy, Protects Unnatural, Unique - Encounters the occult with high frequency.)
Avatar: The Solid Citizen 20% (Avatar, Casts Rituals, Use Gutter Magick.)

Shock Gauges


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