Thursday, 14 November 2019

198 - The Leash

Artifact: The Leash

Power: Significant.

Description: A small harness and lead, the kind intended for 
controversially restraining a toddler from wandering off. Tied all along the leather straps with coarse, orange twine are the individual bones from small birds. There are enough of them to make up just over three American Robin skeletons.

Effect: If you can get the leash on someone (remember that it’s intended to fit a small child) the restraint acts as a volitional blind spot. Leading the wearer somewhere with the leash makes it seem to them like the only feasible possibility, likewise tying it off somewhere leaves them feeling like they’ve no reason to stray further than the few feet of slack it gives them. They won’t remove it on their own either, it won’t occur to them that they can.

This risks breaking down if the wearer is confronted with an immediate and urgent need to oppose the restraint, be it the threat of violence, something related to a passion or obsession or anything that causes a stress check. Other stimulus may qualify at the GMs discretion. Attempting to react to this stimulus requires taking a rank 6 Helplessness check, passing results in sudden recognition of their restraint (and allows them to remove the harness) but failing results in an automatic freeze result. Most often collapsing in a fit of tears at being unable to reconcile the present need with mental inaccessibility.

Avatars of the Child are at a -30% shift to their avatar identity while under restraint by the leash.

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