Saturday, 30 November 2019

214 - Existential Distillery

Artifact: Existential Distillery

Power: Significant

Description: A microdistillery in a poor state of repair, there’s rust and additional fittings have been attached haphazardly. One of the attachments is a gridly looking hand-powered mass of blades like a garbage disposal. It is stained by something you might naively hope is copper.

Effect: Make some alcohol and while adding the ingredients stick your hand into the thresher attachment and crank the handle. The wrenching, grinding sensation is more than just flesh being stripped away, like it’s hollowing your very soul. You’re giving up part of yourself.

Lose a number of percentiles from one of your identities, how much you lose is up to you (unless someone else is turning the handle). This loss is permanent so make sure you’re certain. Also make a Violence stress check, rank with a rank equal to the tens place of the percentiles given up and take damage equal to the sum of the percentiles as though it had been rolled as hand-to-hand damage. You cannot do this with adept or avatar identities and others may be excluded at GM discretion.

Make some alcohol with the mixture. Drinking said alcohol has an additional effect aside from getting you buzzed, it passes on wisdom and knowledge. While under the effects of the alcohol the imbiber gains access to the invested identity at a value equal to the points stripped away from it. This effect lasts until you sober up. It can be prolonged by drinking more alcohol (of any kind). Certain stress checks may be warranted depending upon the circumstances and nature of the appropriated identity.

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