Tuesday 24 March 2020

326 - Violence of Action

Unnatural Entity: Violence of Action

Fight, fuck, spit, claw, bite, anything for just a few moments more and few moments more and a few moments more. These revenants are a conglomerate of those who died horribly violent deaths, consumed by an urge to struggle and survive. They accumulate on battlefields, in prisons and hospitals, and in the meanest areas of the most lawless corners of the Earth.

Stillness is anathema to them. They haunt these places, trapped by the same impulses that gripped their desperate ends. A gelatinous fog only perceptible to those with unnatural senses that pervades and poisons those who breath it with the terrible purpose of life at all costs.

A Violence infects someone 1-5 temporary Rage passions, made up of the vestiges of the people who died to make the revenant. Ignoring the compulsions of this external anger provokes a Self check of an equal rank, failure results in blind rage as they take the wheel.

The psychological toll of actions taken while under the influence of a Violence are muted while infected. Someone under the influence gains a number of temporary hardened notches in Violence equal the number of passions inflicted on them. The aftermath is another story.

A California motumancer thought he could channel one to empower his rhetoric on the site of a nameless ancient atrocity. His remaining trio of proteges are currently locked in a game of chicken with one another to see if one of them can succeed where he failed. The risk of adding themselves to the formless anger - as he did - against the triumph they can hold over the others. None of them are willing to admit defeat.

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