Friday 27 March 2020

328 - Jack Hamburg, Wannabe Avatar & Professional Catspaw

GMC: Jack Hamburg, Wannabe Avatar & Professional Catspaw

Jack thinks he's channeling The Noir Detective. He isn’t, he fundamentally misunderstands how the statosphere works, what an avatar actually is, and he’s unhealthily preoccupied with Humphrey Bogart movies courtesy of it being the only thing he shared with his dad. The only reason a chump like him has any idea at all is because someone took pity on him and he turned it into a job.

Jack was the youngest of four brothers, separated by just enough years and temperament that he was always the barely tolerated tag-along in his older sibling’s social lives. He ingratiated himself by being obsequious, which was a bit like hanging an invisible “kick me” sign on his back. But hey, at least he was being rewarded with some kind of attention. It’s a habit that has followed him into his adult life and colours his relationship with the occult underground.

When he first learned about the subculture Jack hoovered up all the information he could get his hands on to make himself useful. He’d trade for it and work for it, always keen and always reliable. Once people got used to it he developed a reputation and ended up running questionable errands for an avatar of the Judge who took the set dressing of his role too seriously. Dressed like an idiot, sure, but the results were there. When that arrangement ended after his patron ended up in a nursing home several others were already lined up to offer employment to a reliable minion. He said yes to all of them and just about everyone else that has come after.

Jack is a neutral party, he keeps his nose out of underground politics and keeps his interactions professional. Everybody uses him and everybody trusts him, even those on opposite sides of a conflict. He won’t take any jobs that call for wanton brutality - he’s a little squeamish and not really suited for it - but otherwise it’s open slather provided you don’t mind his obnoxious patter and patronising, weary cynicism.

A bundle of bad cliches in a trenchcoat and a stupid hat, Jack can be as insufferable as you’d expect. Nonetheless he is dutiful and dedicated to his clients and he’ll genuinely go the distance for you, if only out of manufactured machismo and commitment to his role.
Rage: Entitlement. Jack won’t stand for clients who think they’re owed more than they’re willing to put up.
Noble: Confidentiality. Jack’s sense of professionalism is built around discretion.
Fear: Vicious dogs (Violence).
Obsession: Epitomize the Noir Detective.
Wound Threshold: 50.

Occult P.I. 50%* (Substitutes for Secrecy, Evaluates Unnatural, Substitutes for Notice.)
Catspaw 40% (Substitutes for Status, Substitutes for Knowledge, Substitutes for Lie.)
Hedge Wizard 30% (Vague Information: Occult Trivia, Casts Rituals, Use Gutter Magick.)

Shock Gauges


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