Wednesday 11 December 2019

225 - Somsak “Book” Onurang, Protean Moralist

GMC: Somsak “Book” Onurang, Protean Moralist

Codes and beliefs, be they conveyed by tradition, philosophy, or creed, are anchors by which we measure our actions and guard against trespass. They form lasting communal bulwarks, a measure of shared identity that provide meaning and a sense of permanence against our transitory existences. Buddhism does this by embracing the impermanence of all while ironically, to Somsak’s (Book to most who know him) thinking, relying on institutional practices to perpetuate itself.

As quibbles go it’s not the most compelling reason to lose faith, but for Book it was a crack and exposure to the existence of other belief systems in adolescence tilted his worldview. Having accepted Buddhism as a tacit fact of life based on his isolated upbringing in rural Thailand, the revelation that it may only be one path of many was life changing. His wasn’t an instantaneous, rebellious departure, there was still the weight of community and binding poverty keeping him from exploring, but not for long. He was ordained at a monastery as a youngster and parlayed his talent and dedication into education at a university in India where he obtained a doctorate in theology in his 20s.

Writing several popular books on the subject of religious relativism gave Book the opportunity to leave his old life behind and he took it. He travelled extensively, immersed himself in the beliefs of others and, after firsthand experience with the religious delusion of Jerusalem syndrome, came to a conclusion: all systems of belief are shared parasites of the self. Fully repudiating his upbringing, Book sees religions, philosophies and political positions as tools to define and understand who we are, not ends in their own right. Adopting and discarding them as the situation warrants, he seeks to refine his personal identity into something metaphysically pure and platonic, not discard it. His resulting slide into adepthood was practically seamless and his powers have only bolstered his academic career.

Book is only vaguely aware that something like the occult underground exists. He believes his adept powers are simply an indication that he is absolutely right and would be shocked to find that there are others who draw magickal power from completely alien worldviews out there. It would be his childhood discovery all over again.

Book’s personality is mutable with the changing seasons of his morality, but always with a sanguine undercurrent. He is usually eager to share his latest insights but will not force them on anybody (unless his current code dictates).
Rage: Filial obligation. Book is ashamed of abandoning his family, who would never understand what he is, and channels that shame into anger at the idea of owing one’s parents.
Noble: Fostering self-knowledge. If Book can help someone learn something about themselves he’ll stop and take the time.
Fear: That his obsession is a false path (Self).
Obsession: Hone the self by exposure to new moralities and ideas.
Wound Threshold: 50.

Religious Scholar 60% (Substitutes for Knowledge, Protects Self, Protects Unnatural.)
Sociomancer 60%* (Adept, Casts Rituals, Use Gutter Magick.)

Shock Gauges


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