Friday 20 December 2019

234 - Will To Ignorance

Ritual: Will To Ignorance

Cost: 3 minor charges.

Ritual Action: Deliberately “sacrifice” someone with a secret belief or characteristic by outing them in a public forum. The secret should be harmful for people to learn in some way, even if only by the victim’s embarrassment. It doesn’t otherwise matter how people feel about the revelation, hidden homosexuality or pregnancy works just as well as a concealed belief in anti-vaxxing or the flat Earth. Social media is generally the safest bet, but anywhere the information will spread to at least 333 people who know them in some capacity (however cursory) works. It also conceals the fact you need to be wearing hooded hemp robes, dyed black, with a sigil like an “allseeing eye” drawn over your right eye in lamb's blood (which must remain closed for the duration of casting).

Before casting, the victim must eat a pie you have made containing meat from at least two types of fowl and a piece of paper with your targeted information written on it.

Effect: The information written on the consumed piece of paper is difficult for people who have learned the victim’s secret to communicate about. Talking about it in some fashion is a rank 4 self check, it feels like a grotesque violation of social taboo everytime they put their fingers on the keyboard or open their mouth. This check drops by 1 rank for every passion someone has relevant to the targeted information. It drops by another rank when they see several people talking about it unimpeded (but only one rank and only once) and another when they see people affected by the ritual doing it (but again, only one rank and only once).

The effect lasts until the victim gets over what you did to them.

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