Friday 27 December 2019

241 - Spare The Rod

Ritual: Spare The Rod

Cost: 2 minor charges.

Ritual Action: The target of the ritual must be someone who has committed wrongdoing and gotten away unpunished. Build a little shrine to this wrongdoing, including an object from its past, present and future as a triptych-like arrangement in the background. The centerpiece is a switch, a flexible wooden rod, that has been used to mete out corporal punishment.

For three days following a national holiday bring a person who has been harmed by the target into the shrine's presence each day and have them recount their experience. Express incredulity and ridicule, all of them should feel genuinely offended and at least one should make a stress check as a result. Slick the switch with lanolin before each recounting and at the conclusion destroy and burn one piece of the triptych.

Effect: Snapping the switch in half in front of the target activates the ritual, temporarily regressing their emotional character to that of a spoilt child. This could have one of several effects before dissipating: flip-flopping a stress check to the worst possible result, undermining progress on an objective milestone to the worse of two rolls, providing a -30% shift on their next Status or Connect roll, etc. depending on the circumstances. Otherwise it renders them moody and ungrateful for a period of up to 33 minutes.

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