Sunday 22 December 2019

236 - Voodoo Regifting

Ritual: Voodoo Regifting

Cost: 4 minor charges.

Ritual Action: Take a gift given to you by someone close to you (so someone with whom you it one of the five relationships). The more emotionally important the gift the more powerful the effect, a secret Santa present given out of obligation would barely even qualify while an engagement ring is on the other end of the spectrum.

Three days before a full moon delete or otherwise destroy any photographs you have of you and the target together, replacing at least one of them with a photograph of you and the second target taken especially for the occasion. Soaking the gift overnight in one of your bodily fluids, give it to the secondary target, make it clear that it is being regifted and who it originally came from. Make them promise not to tell the target, get them to promise three times.

For the rest of the day spit on the ground before passing through any doorway.

Effect: Your relationship with the original gift giver is damaged. The extent of the damage depends upon the importance of the gift: the secret Santa example might only knock off 1% while the engagement ring would do damage to it with the ritual roll like a firearm attack. By default it knocks off percentiles like a melee attack with no damage bonus.

If the target and the secondary target have relationships it gains percentiles equal to half that value. If there’s an empty relationship slot for either or both of them it fills in with the same value. This doesn’t force them to do anything, like the Corsican Rings it’s a magickal transfer that they have to choose to embrace for it to last.

Cast more than once on the same person it nixes your relationship with them entirely and any attempts to take up a new relationship of that kind will flounder for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days. You just come across as disingenuous and tacky.

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