Monday 20 January 2020

265 - Natalie Hanson, Democracy Manifest

GMC: Natalie Hanson, Democracy Manifest

The only thing that Natalie believes in is that democracy is the greatest system of government on Earth. She has no attachment to any economic policy, no stance on abortion or guns and certainly doesn’t care about the party line. Outside of the fervent view that the role of government is to enforce the will of its constituents she’s a rabid political nihilist who cleaves ruthlessly and unapologetically to populist sentiment. Campaigning on it has won her a mayoral race, two terms as a state senator and a narrow miss at the governorship.

Part of it is an uncanny ability to read the room, no matter what you believe, she can see it and capitalize on some kind of common ground. She can tell what the majority want and she sees it as her job to give it to them. She’ll push you to act against your own self-interest if you aren’t a part of it and when she works you it’s almost impossible not to agree. Obstinate ideologues have come away shaken by the way she plays their closely held beliefs off against each other to twist their worldview to match the herd.

If it wasn’t for the supernatural gravitas that relentlessly pushing for majority rule has given her the fact that this demagogue avatar actually stands for nothing would have put a much lower ceiling on her political aspirations. Instead she’s managed to turn her lack of position into a strength, using her powers to publicly embarrass and tongue-tie opponents into appearing arrogant and out of touch. If there was any way it could withstand national-level electioneering she’d be presidential nominee material.

After her most recent loss Natalie is taking some time to regroup and think things over. As she sees it the problem is that people only believe in democratic process in service to their own beliefs, they’re too unwilling to set them aside for everyone’s benefit even if they’d expect it from others. She’s been talking to people about it and is starting to develop a following of those dissatisfied with polarised politics and partisanship. Not shy about attacking all sides of conventional politics she provokes a zeal in the disaffected that inspires selfless dedication and sacrifice for the cause. What started off as a grassroots organisation is starting to look a lot like a cult.

Personality: Natalie’s got that fake veneer associated with professional gladhanders but a genuine zeal and interest is also apparent to anyone who interacts with her for more than a few minutes. It’d be creepy if she wasn’t so passionate about the same issues as you. Or is that the other way around?
Rage: Legal obstruction. Abusing loopholes to obnoxiously block or force proper process is flawed and selfish.
Noble: Public service. You can’t bribe or blackmail Natalie.
Fear: How far am I willing to go to serve the people? (Self).
Obsession: Democracy, to the exclusion of all else.
Wound Threshold: 50.

Politician 55% (Substitutes for Status, Substitutes for Lie, Protects Self.)
Avatar: The Demagogue 75%* (Avatar, Casts Rituals, Use Gutter Magick.)

Shock Gauges


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