Thursday 30 January 2020

275 - Celebrity Glamour

Ritual: Celebrity Glamour

Cost: 3 minor charges.

Ritual Action: Wear an article of clothing belonging to someone famous who the target knows of but has not met. On an empty stomach eat a handful of cobwebs, soot and clover. Wash it down with a glass of collected morning dew. You can mix them if it makes it easier. Introduce yourself to the target of the ritual as the person whose clothing you're wearing, in Gaelic, and spend the charges.

Effect: The target of the ritual believes you are the person you introduce yourself as no matter how absurd. They still have control of all their faculties otherwise. They cannot shake this certainty on their own but if someone else confronts them with the reality its a rank 4 Unnatural check, failure prompts a breakdown or psychotic denial as they try to process believing two different things before the effect falters.

If not broken by intervention the effect of the ritual lasts until you either: take off the article of clothing, consume real food or drink, or become wet from rain. You may have more than one instance of the effect running at a time but need a different article of clothing for each of them.

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