Saturday, 1 February 2020

277 - Faded Glory

Artifact: Faded Glory

Power: Minor.

Description: The bitter power of dreams unfulfilled made more potent by the promise they once held, Faded Glory are the embers of what could have been. The vast majority were once sports equipment, high school and college team jerseys were the most common form for a long time. Other types include university degrees, award sashes and wedding bands.

Effect: Pirate the past to feed the future, it's not like you were using it anyway.

Once per day Faded Glory allow a +30% shift or flip-flop (chose before rolling) on an ability or identity relevant to their origin by wearing or otherwise using it during the attempt. Doing so robs the history of the item, make a rank 3 Helplessness check afterwards as it reawakens memories of what might have been. Failure is compounded by a rank 4 Self check for those with no connection to the item's origin.

For those with 3 or more hardened notches in Helplessness the benefits of Faded Glory stop working, giving up on old dreams nixes the magick. 

Faded Glory are poison to avatars of the MVP, touching one causes taboo with an additional 1d10% loss if they attempt to use its power.

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