Friday 28 February 2020

304 - Sick Days

Ritual: Sick Days

Cost: 4 minor charges or 1 significant charge.

Ritual Action: You’ll need an accrued number of sick days from employment you are currently working at, a minimum of 10. You’ll also need to be ill.

Take a workplace calendar, the type doesn’t matter so long as it was displayed somewhere on the premises, and map out the expected prognosis. It needs to fit on the amount of time left or the ritual can’t be cast. Go into work sick, play it up as at least one person needs to remark on the fact you shouldn’t be there or should see a doctor. If they don’t, try again tomorrow.

After this happens, fold up the defaced calendar and put it into your employee file. Don’t get caught.

Alternative: Put it in another employee’s file. Don’t get caught. This version costs a significant charge.

Effect: The disease runs its course far more rapidly than usual. You get a positive shift (maximum +30%) to any Fitness rolls to overcome or ignore symptoms equal to the number of sick days you had accrued. You also lose those days, a glitch in the system erases them and magickal-bureaucratic inertia ensures they cannot be restored. You still need to come into work, if you miss a day, are tardy or slack off and leave early at any time in the period you would be ill during the disease comes roaring back with vengeance (the infection starts over from the beginning and you take a negative shift equal to the bonus the ritual provided you with). It’s probably not great if you get fired either.

Alternative Effect: With a successful opposed Fitness roll you dump your illness on the unsuspecting coworker. Both of you gain a positive shift on the roll equal to the number of any sick days you had accrued (maximum +30%) or a negative shift if either of you have taken more than your share. Nobody loses any sick days. As in the normal version, a successful transfer lasts as long as you continue to faultlessly show up for work and don’t get fired.

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