Wednesday 12 February 2020

288 - The Emperor's Old Clothes

Artifact: The Emperor’s Old Clothes

Power: Significant.

Description: The one-of-a-kind creation of a loathed vestimancer who disappeared after 9 months terrorising Portland, the Emperor’s Old Clothes are currently moldering away in a Seattle P.D. evidence locker. Despite their powers they failed to prevent the on-scene arrest of one city council candidate fatally stabbing another in broad daylight, an act now awaiting trial later this year.

A blood-stained, sable grey men’s suit, white dress shirt and sea green necktie, it is a tagless work of custom design and tailoring defined less by its damage than disturbing regal gravitas.

Effect: Respect the office, not the one who occupies it. The Emperor’s Old Clothes enable the wearer to usurp the authority of others by defeating them in the court of public opinion. A defeat acknowledged by the majority confers an ongoing +10%/-10% shift to status and authority-based coercion rolls of the respective parties so long as you don’t take it off. This power is cumulative up to +30%/-30%, however greater levels require exponentially greater acts of domination.

Defeat shatters the illusion and suppresses the powers of the suit for a lunar month. The sudden loss of authority is likely to prompt Helplessness checks with ranks scaling to the degree of power and the ensuing consequences.

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