Tuesday 8 October 2019

161 - Ada Aguilar, A New World Of My Own Flesh

GMC: Ada Aguilar, A New World Of My Own Flesh

Ada was born Kate Peterson in 1796, the third of nine children to a large Essex family and ascended as The Midwife in 1854. The battering this archetype took with shifting cultural moores regarding fertility was enough to gradually render it irrelevant to the collective unconsciousness, in a rare instance in several symbols of thankless servitude being usurped by a single newcomer she and others fell to the ascension of the Unsung Champion in the early 20th century.

For a group of selfish, magickal opportunists freshly expelled from the House of Renunciation, the beginning of the 1900s offered ample convenience for them to wreak havoc and reap the rewards of naked self-interest. All but Aguilar are dead now. Most of them were killed trying to take advantage of the chaos of the two World Wars or perished in the privation of the Great Depression. The last died in the early 80s of lung cancer, a Ustirnaturge rolling the dice on a second major charge to cure the disease his first had given him. Ada despised the other adept’s addiction, a weakness which ravaged the flesh that defined their human state. The one thing they’d all understood was important.

Having taken up the practice of epideromancy, Ada appears as a battle-scarred, eternally 60 year old woman with an eye-patch. She is preternaturally tough and frighteningly strong, a necessary state that she has bent herself into to realise her goals. She understands the universal cycle and boils with rage that she of all people was excluded from shepherding the birth of a new world. Twisted by renunciation, this purpose has been shifted into a belief that if she cannot midwife the world then she will define it in the here and now.

Living opportunistically by stealing the identities of others, Ada’s goal is simple - use her magick to change the physical face of humanity and control the Invisible Clergy at a remove. She does this by creating monsters, either from her own body or by modifying others. Her experiments demand a constant supply of new subjects and draw intense scrutiny. If it weren’t for her formidable physical powers and her ability to switch identities like most people change clothes she would have been killed or imprisoned long ago.

Her successes and failures have channelled her methods into trying to discover the smallest possible measure of what it is to be human, to measure and pare it away from the rest of the unnecessary flesh. To grow vast colonies of bauble-like humans, hanging in clusters from a sea of flesh-trees and have them sing her a new world. One of her own flesh.

Jaded and obsessive, Ada seeks the unknown but has already seen much of it. Impressing her is a question of substantial novelty, she has exhausted a raft of philosophies and magickal practices but the deep impact of her renunciation bears true.
Rage: Being pushed to the outside.
Noble: Shepherding the universe into a better shape.
Fear: Her “new humanity” is as fool an errand as the follies of her renunciation-mates (Unnatural).
Obsession: Seizing control of the Clergy by remaking humanity.
Wound Threshold: 150 (magickally boosted).

Epideromancer 70%* (Adept, Casts Rituals, Use Gutter Magick.)
Midwife 55% (Substitutes for Connect, Medical, Protects Helplessness.)
Kidnapper 65% (Substitutes for Struggle, Substitutes for Secrecy, Protects Violence.)

Shock Gauges


Note: Through the formula spell Preternatural Prowess Ada has boosted her Fitness, Dodge, Pursuit and Struggle to 85%. She’s been doing this for a long time.

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