Tuesday 29 October 2019

182 - Eadie Scarborough, Yarnbombing Motumancer

GMC: Eadie Scarborough, Yarnbombing Motumancer

The transgressive nature of graffiti codes it negatively in some lights and positively in others. Associations with vandalism and criminal gangs inspire pearl clutching on one end and the empowerment of marginalized artists and the grass-roots beautification of public spaces stimulates the other. Yarnbombing, which involves knitting or crochet as the medium, subverts typical negative expectations of vandalism through focus on the positive aspects of graffiti and association with softer, traditionally feminine pursuits.

Eadie can’t stand that, it isn't safe.

It wasn’t always that way. Once upon a time, the new-in-town librarian embraced a tweedy hipster image with aplomb - she volunteered with children’s groups, ran a craft stall, rented a funny little bungalow and experimented in microfarming. It was her chance to define herself separate from her past. To get away from the abortion that had destroyed her already rocky relationship with her Baptist minister father and ended the marriage-to-be with her long-term girlfriend. The new her was a mask of happiness she tried to make real.

She was embraced into the community as an acceptably quirky, trendy young woman and for a while that was okay. It grated though, not all the time but Eadie wasn’t okay with the degree and ease with which she’d fooled everyone. Her discontent with the disconnect she felt manifested as heightened scrutiny of other people’s motivations. Eadie’s insecurity and unresolved buried feelings would probably have best been serviced by a therapist, but instead one irrational distrust led to another and she found herself skulking in the bushes outside PTA head Maggie Warwhal’s house late one evening. Trying to find out just what that obnoxious, fake busybody was really hiding behind her perfect, permed facade.

Maggie was eating other PTA member’s brains with a hidden proboscis. Unscrewing the tops of their head’s like bottle caps and taking a slurp from each before putting them back together.

The Warwhal residence burned down two nights later. No one ever suspected Eadie, no one had reason too. Except that her personal crusade kicked off a few weeks later. She believes that all social structures are really just footholds for what she calls “cuckoos”, monstrous parasites that conceal themselves in sympathetic social structures and assumptions to prey on humanity. Taking up her needles she’s intent on shaking up the image of not just her own subculture by violating boundaries, but as many others as she can obscenely lampoon and disrupt with woolen-woven scandal.

And when the monsters scurry out, she’ll burn them all.

She’s nice, aggressively nice unless she’s trying to tear the wool away from your eyes. Then the knitting needles come out. Knives and gasoline too, sometimes.
Rage: Social exclusion. She’s been super vigilant about it with the kid’s groups she supervises. Of course, being an overbearing authority figure in that regard tends to do more harm than good.
Noble: Telling it to people straight. She’ll hide it from most behind her cheery facade, but the people she thinks can handle it will privately get honest answers out of Eadie.
Fear: The hidden monsters that walk among us (Unnatural).
Obsession: Social institutions are a hotbed for infection, shatter people’s expectations to spread the truth and freedom.
Wound Threshold: 50.

Yarnbomber 55% (Substitutes for Connect, Substitutes for Secrecy, Provides Initiative.)
Vigilante 40% (Substitutes for Notice, Substitutes for Lie, Coerces Helplessness.)
Motumancer 25%* (Adept, Casts Rituals, Use Gutter Magick.)

Shock Gauges


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