Monday 28 October 2019

181 - Unseasonable

Ritual: Unseasonable

Cost: 4 significant charges.

Ritual Action: Artificially preserve a snowball made of naturally occurring snow for at least three months. Travel to the highest point in 33 miles and anoint it with the blood of a sacrificed goat or sheep younger than the snow just before dawn. Close your eyes, facing away from the rising sun, and throw the snowball as high into the air as possible. Before it can hit the ground recite a litany of the highest and lowest temperatures, rainfall, humidity, etc. in the region since the last time it snowed. If successful you won’t hear the snowball hit the ground because it will disappear.

Effect: For the next 24 hours weather conditions in a 3 mile area match those of the time and location the snowball was collected from. Afterwards they return to normal along a conventional progression, in areas where it doesn’t snow this readjustment can be turbulent. For the intent of any magickal effects or rituals dependent on things like season (such as Snowbound) the local area counts as that time.

Unnatural phenomenon that keys off of specific dates (i.e every 9th summer solstice the cyber-jabberwocky abducts 3 children to slave in its arcade-dungeon forever!) can be delayed by 24 hours the same way. If delayed for over a month by consecutive castings the delayed effect is dismissed. For now.

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