Wednesday 9 October 2019

162 - Wings of Icarus & Eye of Polyphemus

Artifact: Wings of Icarus

Power: Significant

Description: A pair of feathery angel wings made from shredded tabloid magazines turned into paper-mache with unmentionable fluids. It has an awkward wingspan of 9 feet, get ready to turn sideways to fit through doors and struggle with stairs and elevators, plus the wire coat hanger harness is badly shaped and cuts into everybody.

Effect: Wings of Icarus have 1d10 charges, determined in secret. Every time a roll is made while wearing a set the results are shifted one step towards the closest extreme, successes and failures become matched and matches become crits or fumbles. This expends a charge. Rerolls and flip-flopping are unavailable while wearing the wings. If the wings run out of charges while you’re wearing them one of two consequences occur. If the magazine pages used to create it mostly told stories of violent turmoil the wings melt spectacularly, causing a minor blast worth of damage to whoever is in contact with them. If the pages are mostly stories of sordid emotional trauma synchronicity hits you with a rank 5 check on your Fear passion.

Pages that contain neither don’t work to make a set of wings. Don’t use just the ads either. Just don’t, for your own good.

Artifact: Eye of Polyphemus

Power: Significant

Description: While it looks like a dimpled human eye the size of a baseball, it’s really a tangelo with peculiarities of pigmentation affecting the skin. The coluration is down to natural mutations if it’s ever tested in a lab. It tastes fleshy in a vegetable kind of way, like a mushroom. It’s seedless.

Effect: If you eat the whole thing, one of your eyes (picked randomly) will swell up significantly. It’s painful and unpleasant to look at and a rank 4 Violence check to experience. Long-term health risks may include eventual damage to circulation or pressure on the optic nerve leading to blindness, which happens in about 40% of cases. While under the effects of the eye you can see anybody at any distance and regardless of obstruction. The caveat is that you can only see one person at a time, whoever most recently entered your field of vision. If they move behind a wall you can still see them so long as no one else walks out from behind it. Blindfolds and a guide are a good way to stay focused on a particular target.

This effect lasts as long as you have vision in the swollen eye. If it naturally fails as the result of the swelling or is blinded some other way you regain normal vision in your remaining eye.

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